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Senior Cycle

All students take the core subjects English, Maths and Irish - unless exempted from Irish by the DES.

Students choose four additional subjects, one of which should, ideally, be a modern language, i.e., French or German, unless they are experiencing significant difficulty with languages.

Of the remaining three subjects, students should at least give consideration to selecting at least one science subject - depending on their aptitudes and interests.

Optional subjects are chosen from four lines similar to those set out below, i.e. one subject from each line.  The final lines in any given year are determined by demand for subjects from students.

1.  Physics or Biology or Home Economics or French or Music or Geography

2.  Chemistry or Biology or Geography or Economics or Art or Construction

3.  French or Business or German or History or Design and Communication Graphics or Construction

4.  French or German or Accounting or Business or Construction or Design and Communication Graphics

Newbridge College Newbridge, Co. Kildare, Republic of Ireland Tel: +353 45 487200 Fax: +353 45 487234 Email: info@newbridge-college.ie