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Target Setting in Newbridge College

The Learners’ Voice student team and a large cohort of our staff focused on developing and piloting student Target Setting Cards over the last two years to enable students develop to their full potential academically, personally, socially, etc. The Target Setting Card is a great tool for opening specific dialogue between a student and teacher/mentor/parent/AEN teacher/Dean, etc. regarding a student's learning.

Target setting provide a framework to encourage students to set targets, identify action steps, to reflect on their learning and learn from this process. A balanced holistic approach to target setting is recommended.

Students have noted how this personalised and focused approach to target setting has been very effective. It has provoked deeper thinking and reflection on their learning. The students feel they are more accountable for their own learning, and they are developing skills in managing themselves, managing their time, and they are developing communication skills. This is leading ultimately to improved student wellbeing.

Teachers have noted improved relationships with students and an improvement in student motivation, commitment, and performance in their classes.

Target Setting Cards are available for all students in their journals, and students are strongly encouraged to engage in the target setting process.

Newbridge College Newbridge, Co. Kildare, Republic of Ireland Tel: +353 45 487200 Fax: +353 45 487234 Email: info@newbridge-college.ie